skate journal: Fun street session with Neil, Jason, Lazer, Carleigh (March 31, 2010)

Neil and I both got off work early and it was pretty nice out so we met at my house then went skating.  We had no real spots planned out and parked on east campus thinking we’d start at the steep bank spot.  It had a bunch of snow and crap in the runway though so we bombed the little hill under 28th and ended at Silvermine Subs where we ended up skating the curved ledge for awhile.  At first neither of us had anything for that ledge.  The setup is insanely short.  After awhile I landed some horrible noseslides and tried to line them out with a manual on the sidewalk across the street.  Awhile later and I was getting crooks popped out forward and still not getting the manual.  Neil got some crooks to fakie after awhile too and managed to eventually put down a nose manual.  Sick!  We tried quick upping the sidewalk before the ledge too, but it’s way quick.  It was fun trying to line stuff out there because we had to weave between traffic, pedestrians and longboarders.  I was doing a lot of unnecessary powerslides too.  So fun.  We got kinda bored after awhile and roamed around a bit.  Jason, Carleigh and Lazer showed up and we went back under the tunnel and skated the ledges for awhile.  Jason got some good noseslides and Neil some good tailslides, but it was kinda whatever.Lazer, Neil and I headed out to the nearby ‘old folks bank’ and on the way skated a few things.  Ollied onto a narrow ledge into a driveway bank and ollied a 4 stair.  Also got a f/s halfcab flip on the way in a sketchy asphalt section that hyped me up.  At the bank to ledge Neil sat down and Lazer busted some cool crail tricks.  I started out good and got back axle and pivot pretty quick.  Then got front tail first try and got a 360 flip on flat to follow it up.  I tried kick back pivots for awhile then kinda worked into kick back tail attempts and eventually landed on.  So hyped.  It may have been suski’d though.  Either way it hyped me up.  Jason had joined and did several basics with his patented 20 stair landings.  I ended the day with a front smith stall on the curb then a fun hill ride on the way home.  Awesome times.