skate journal: East Boulder spots with Jake, Jack, Neil, Jason and Lazer (April 4, 2010)

After a nice Easter breakfast and morning with the family I picked Jack up at his place on a very nice day.  We went to Meta to meet Neil, but he had already left so we went to his place to pick him up and swooped up Jake on the way.  We ended up at a super mellow bank to curb with some other stuff around it.  Neil ollied a little wall and some buckets super good.  Jack got a front pivot kickflip out on the bank to curb.  Jake got some pivots both ways and tried blunts.  I got a front tail stall back shove out and a front pivot to fakie.  Hyped on both of those.  Jack and Neil went and checked out a nearby loading dock.  I guess Jack did a wallie late shove out of it.  Near the end of the session Jack did a bunch of weird blunt to nosepick variations, slammed super awkward attempting to kickflip a long 4 stair and some other cool tricks on the bank to curb.  Neil tried nosepicks, but couldn’t get them.  I couldn’t get kick back tails or nosepicks either.Lazer showed up and we went over to the nearby metal ledge.  Jake, Neil and I aren’t the best at back 50s, but we all got a few.  Neil and I tried crooks, but didn’t get them.  Lazer did some good back 50s and Jack ripped it.  back 50 big front 180 out, back 5-0 back 180, back 5-0 back bigspin.  Sick.  Then we put a desk after part of the loading dock and Jack put on a mini demo.  Pretty much everything first or second try.  Front lip, front 5-0, back 5-0, back nosegrind, back 5-0 front shove out, kick back 5-0.  So sick.  Neil was ollieing onto it easily.  Lazer put down a few tricks including a nose manual accidental airwalk out.  I was sucking super bad and couldn’t ollie onto the ledge.  Ugh.  So I tried it in a run.  Kickflip off a bump, no comply finger flip on flat, ollied on to the desk and rolled off.  I was terrified of that.  I had to bring Jake to work so I left for a bit with Jack and after dropping off Jake we loaded up on water.  Yum.We then went to a new bank to curb spot that Jason had seen.  It was such a sick looking spot.  The curb was rough though.  We wasted a few candles on it, but it still barely slid.  Somehow I did a few stalls on it.  First try alley oop no comply to back tail, front smith,  front board 270 in.  Jason was killing it.  Back pivot, back smith and some hurricane variation.  Jack kickflipped over the curb into the bank super easy.  Lazer switch ollied in like nothing.  It took Neil and I a few tries to ollie in which we were both kind of embarrassed about.  Jason also front and back 180’d in.  I eventually front 180’d in moving 2 mph.  After awhile Jason and I started trying lines and I ended up getting a ton.  Ollie a water bottle, ollie into the bank.  360 flip, ollie the water jug, front 180 into the bank.  Then we waxed up a weird nearby ledge that landed kind of in a bank near a big pile of snow and crusty dirt and other crap that was plowed in there.  Jack was the first to get a boardslide on it which was harder than it looked.  Jason and I followed.  Then I started trying lines to the boardslide and ended up having the time of my life.  I  got a fakie bigflip, back shove, boardslide pretty quick.  Then halfcab flip, kickflip, boardslide.  At one point Jack got back 50 and back crooks too.  I kept going.  Also got front shove, bad 360 flip (I’m scare of doing that trick on downhill), boardslide.  Fakie flip, halfcab flip, boardslide.  And the last line was kickflip a manhole, solid 360 flip then the best boardslide of the night. That run made me soooo happy.  It felt amazing.   Since my board was cracked, chipped and razor tailed, I called it a day and focused it.  Well, Jack did most of the damage.  Such an insanely fun run to end a fun day.