skate journal: Creekside with Ollie (May 9, 2010)

After a huge Mothers Day dinner and a quick nap Ollie and I rolled over to Creekside for the last few remaining minutes of light.  My groin didn’t complain at all for once.  I had swam earlier in the day and I think that helped a lot along with starting slow and keeping it mellow.  We did the same ol’ stuff for the most part.  Ollie was ripping.  He manualled across and down the narrow sidewalk first try, popped some decent ollies, pushed regular for a tiny bit, and landed a pop shove it to fakie on the brick section.  So rad.  I kept it mellow but was able to do more than I have lately.  I ollied a chalk gap, fakie ollied some cracks, did a few back shoves up the curb, did a lot of 180s up/off, a few flip tricks and had fun.  Maybe I’ll be skating more, maybe my groin will freak out again.  I have no idea.