skate journal: More Red Curbs this time with Nate (May

Posted in Skate Journal on May 16th, 2010 by corpo

Got off work at a decent time and had less than an hour before India’s talent show.  It was raining of course (WTF is this weather?) so I met up with Nate and we shredded Red Curbs a bit before the parking emptied out.  Nate warmed up way quicker than me.  No surprise there.  We kinda started out on the 2 stair ledge initially.  Nate rattled off a couple basics then went to nollie back lip and kick back fail.  I started with a decent crooks then went to sw front board attempts for some reason.  Never landed one and questioned why I was even bothering with it.  Fakie nosegrinds were good to me again.  Got one first try on the ledge and another one on a red curb.   Not really sure what else went down.  We didn’t have much time.  I know flip tricks were still not being nice to me and Nate battled the kick back fail for quite some time.

skate journal: Red Curbs with Jason (May 14, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 14th, 2010 by corpo

It’s the middle of May here folks and it’s still beanie weather.  Now I like beanies as much the next skater, but I’m seriously over this cold weather.  Enough.  Uncle.  Argh.  Anyways I met Jason over at Red Curbs for a couple hours of fun filled curb skating.  Jason was hungover again and I was still feeling really rusty.  Before Jason got there I did a couple warm up lines that hyped me up and depressed me at the same time.  I did tricks like slappy front tail to fakie, slappy backwards noseslide (switch without an ollie) and front board popouts on the ledge.  All going 2 mph and all with bad style.  I blame that on my groin being stiff.  It seems to be getting better still though.  Not as much pain and I don’t feel like I’m doing permanent damage anymore.I kept it mellow the whole night taking more breaks than normal.  Some highlights of the session were a small kick back tailslide where it actually slid a little, front 50 back 180 out, back 50s almost every try, fakie nosegrind, slappyies, bad flip tricks and not being hurt.  Jason did some good tailslides, lipslides, slappies and ended it with a solid back tailslide.  Rad.  Shortly before leaving I started hucking some tail drop 3 shoves and got one.  That’s new for me, but it’s just kind of a dork trick until I do it on El Toro.

sick day #22

Posted in sick day on May 13th, 2010 by corpo

Sore from the last few days of skating in a row and not wanting to push it too much and pull my groin again I went swimming with the kids and took it easy and wrote this run on sentence.  The groin is still not 100% and is kinda popping in a weird way still, but not as painful.

We Built Sioux City on Rock and Roll!

Posted in Random Funniness on May 12th, 2010 by corpo

Please watch the entire clip.  So epic.

skate journal: cold and snowing on May 11? Ugh Rampy (May 11, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 12th, 2010 by corpo

The weirdly cold weather seemed to cause some odd behaviors as the pre session activies were legos and tech decks. And no, it wasn’t Ollie playing them. Lazer was into the Legos and John was feeling the Tech Decks. So funny. Lazer has some sweet Tech Deck moves on top of his Lego skills too. Ha.  This was all happening while Ollie and his friend Cooper were actually skating on Rampy.Anyways we eventually went out to skate.  John, Lazer, Carleigh and I.  Overall the session was pretty mellow.  I pretty much sucked the entire time.  I didn’t land anything new and I rarely landed more than a couple tricks.  I got most of my Rampy tricks eventually.  Lazer showed up Carleigh with a first try kickflip rock fakie and his assorted bag of awesomeness.  John had the longest runs and the most kickturns below coping.  He was ripping for sure though.  Carleigh took a minute to get the front disaster, but eventually almost put her dream run together.  Not the best Rampy session for me, but we had fun.

skate journal: Mellow solo Valmont session (May 10, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 11th, 2010 by corpo

Feeling pretty good, but not knowing what would really happen with my groin pull so I didn’t feel like calling anyone in case I had to bail right away. It ended up working out fine. I haven’t done an evening skate session in a long time and it felt weird. I drove by Steel Yards, but there was too many cars. Then I went to Valmont. I warmed up oh so slowly and skated slow and cautious, but started to push myself a bit again and it felt good. I started out doing manuals and tricks up/down the curbs. I felt so rusty. I eventually went over to the ledge. I mostly did halfcab noseslides over and over until I landed most of them. I also tried a few slow front crooks which I never landed. I did a few flippers too. Heelflip, 360 flip, halfcab flips, fakie flips. I tried a run for awhile of halfcab noseslide then b/s flip and got that. Then I tried adding a blunt to pivot to shove out on the curb but never got that one. At the end I did a couple ollies off the low part of the ledge and called it a night.

sick day #21

Posted in sick day on May 11th, 2010 by corpo

Blame it on the groin. I took last Friday May 7th off hoping my body would be in better shape for Cheyenne. It wasn’t.

skate journal: Creekside with Ollie (May 9, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 10th, 2010 by corpo

After a huge Mothers Day dinner and a quick nap Ollie and I rolled over to Creekside for the last few remaining minutes of light.  My groin didn’t complain at all for once.  I had swam earlier in the day and I think that helped a lot along with starting slow and keeping it mellow.  We did the same ol’ stuff for the most part.  Ollie was ripping.  He manualled across and down the narrow sidewalk first try, popped some decent ollies, pushed regular for a tiny bit, and landed a pop shove it to fakie on the brick section.  So rad.  I kept it mellow but was able to do more than I have lately.  I ollied a chalk gap, fakie ollied some cracks, did a few back shoves up the curb, did a lot of 180s up/off, a few flip tricks and had fun.  Maybe I’ll be skating more, maybe my groin will freak out again.  I have no idea.

skate journal: Windy Cheyenne for the JDZ party (May 8, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 10th, 2010 by corpo

Thinking my groin would let me skate I got all my stuff done in the morning and waited for people to show up.  2 hours and 20 phone calls later we left a very nice and sunny Boulder.  Brian, Nate, Fuzz, Jam and I met up with Jason and Carleigh in Longmont and we drove to Ft Collins since I needed to sell some Null good at MRKT.  Fuzz piled in with Jason too and got to experience the 90 degree heat of Jason’s car going well under the speed limit.  Ha it’s gonna be awhile before people are willing to pile into Jason’s car again.  Anyways, our ride up was smooth and after a short stop at Ernie Novembers in Cheyenne we arrived to a windy, cloudy and cold skatepark.The session was a weird one.  Fuzz focused his band new board immediately due to frustration with the wind/cold/park.  My groin was hurting and preventing me from doing more than pose out.  Nate was ripping.  Carleigh was slamming trying front 50s down a little hubba.  Jason was skating the little mini q-pipe.  Brian was cruising around warming up and landing tricks that make everyone smile.  There was a bunch of Ft Collins and Cheyenne heads there too.Nate did a really sick back board up the lower rail.  Carleigh got her front 50.  Brian did a bunch of tricks on the banked ledge.  Matt was killing the banked ledge too.  Jason did some front boards.  I had some fun finally carving around the mellower bowl with Nate.  We both found some good lines, but couldn’t link them with any above the coping tricks.  Oh well.  At the end Brian did a skier front rock on the bank that was so ridiculous and Matt almost got blunt kickflip out.

Brian with a front 5-0 push along.  Photo stolen from Taylor.

We left and went to a bank spot that turned into a weird wallride on an inverted picnic table spot.  Brian got a good front wallride.  Fuzz used my board and in between squirming out with my loose trucks managed a good fakie wallride and almost a wallride body varial.  Matt did some really easy looking wallride basics before giving up on a wallride shove out.  This other dude Eric tried wallride nollies out and eventually tail dropped from the table.  Sick.Me dropping in. Photo by Carleigh.Next we went to the Pier 1 spot.  After a quick Mikes Margeritta my groin loosened up and I was able to skate without much pain.  I dropped in a couple placed and tried to manual the top part.  Jason and Nate got some really good frontside ollies.  Eric ate shit so hard trying to frontside carve over the bike tunnel.  It was a brutal slam up there with some of the gnarlier slams I’ve ever seen. Ouch.  Eventually I also got a couple weak b/s kickflips on the bank and did some powerslides for no real reason other than they are fun.  We left and eventually ate dinner in Ft Collins and had a blast drinking some beers together.  Many laughs were had and we didn’t get back home until 2am.  Awesome.

“Fat Dad Faceplants into a car”

Posted in Random Funniness on May 7th, 2010 by corpo

When I saw the title for this I thought it was gonna be about me.  Whew.