skate journal: flatground in front of the house (June 3, 2010)

Worked the late shift again at work then went home and was the babysitter for India and two of her friends.  Ollie was elsewhere and Liz went with Carleigh to go see the Black Keys.  I had about 40 minutes of sunlight left probably.  I started off dorking out trying to learn ollie body varials so I could be as cool as Short Bus Jack and landed one bad enough that I figured I should count it.  I worked into some basics and was stoked on how kickflips were feeling.  Unfortunately heelflips and treflips didn’t feel so good.  I never landed a tre and eventually ended up cracking the tail super bad with a front shove.  Doh.  The board was cracked pretty bad already so oh well.  Time for a new deck ..