skate journal: Omaha park with Ollie, Joe and Dan (June 7, 2010)

Super nice evening in the upper 70s.  Ollie and I rolled up to a very crowded park.  It’s always weird for me being at a crowded park with Ollie because I gotta keep a closer eye on him.  Anyways, Joe and Dan were there ripping and skating the street area.  Ollie was intimidated by the crowd so we went into the snake run section where Dan joined us and we had a good ol’ time.  Dan did a switch polejam on a fence to start an epic run but bailed rolling in.  Ha.  I was kinda sucking but having fun rolling in.  At one point Ollie rolled in too.  It’s funny because he tried it earlier and I was kinda scared and made sure he knew it’s different than dropping in.  He ended up doing it a few more times, but not where the qp was as tall.  So sick.  Joe joined us for a bit, ripped it, but then we went back to the street course.  Ollie ripped some rock to fakies on the weird bank to curb and followed them with ollie nosegrabs off the curb.  Joe skated the tall ledge like a man.  Front smiths!  Dan was trying over willys on the tall flat bar.  I was kinda dorking around.  Got some back 50s on the little ledge and front 50s on the main ledge.  Tried a few frontside halfcab flips on the flat bank and failed.  Rolled into the top qpipe.  That park is so fun.  Toward the end a kid broke his arm and it kinda freaked out Ollie a bit so we took off.  Fun session though.  The Fremont crew never disappoints.