skate journal: Winter Park day 1 (July 3, 2010)

After a million phone calls, rumors of people bailing and whatnot Neil, Brian, Maria, Reed, Lazer, Mary Kate, Gordon and I headed up to Winter Park.  First stop was setting up the tents followed by a bear sighting then the skatepark.  The skatepark gets littered with kooks.  Kids learning how to bike, skateboard, scooter, stand up.  Parents standing around acting like idiots.  Ugh.  This session wasn’t so great.  Brian and I were struggling and it showed.  Neil did all his tricks and bailed front 50s in the bowl.  Reed has a broken hand and could only skated for awhile.  Early on I got a little crooks jib up the handrail so I thought it would be a good day.  Nope.  I did have fun on our group session of the tiny qpipe.  Neil and I both got front pivots which was not easy for us.  Lazer and Brian did everything.  I eventually got a rock ‘n roll on the tall part.  Skating the flow bowl Brian and Lazer killed it.  So many grinds over hips and lots of tricks on lock.  Around now John showed up and added some positive energy to the session as he started killing it immediately.  Before we left I got a line of manual along the elevated ledge and a rock ‘n roll on the taller steep qpipe.  I struggled at b/s flip on the steep wall for a long time and eventually put it down followed by a blunt to pivot.  John did a gnarly blunt to pivot to fakie on it and we left.