skate journal: Downtown Denver with Carleigh, Jason, Nate (July 19, 2010)

I had no time to rest after work.  Get home, eat, load up car, pick up others, arrive late at 303, do business and boom  skate.  We started out by going to a ledge Jason wanted to hit.  Kinda tall and not as slick as last time, but we had fun.  Jason and I got back noseslides.  Nate did 50’s and 5-0s.  I got a lucky first try crooks jib and was unable to quite get a front 50.  I also dorked around on some little ollie over a parking block after a downhill handicap ramp which was super dumb.  A few powerslides later the cops came as Nate was getting into kick back tails so we left.We ended up at this weird curved ledge ollie into a tiny bank.  Nate ollied into it first.  Me second.  Carleigh third then Jason first try.  I got another one that was more directly into the bank which felt pretty cool.Next was a long curved ledge that Jason waxed up real good.  Nate killed it with long front 50s then long front 5-0s.  Carleigh almost got some noseslides.  This ledge wasn’t short and it was poorly lit.  Jason got some super long back noseslides.  I got some noseslides, short front 50 and shorter front 5-0.  Came somewhat close to a noseslide to crooks.  I may have even technically landed one as it felt like the truck got up on there, but if you aren’t sure then it don’t count.  Security kicked us out.Next up was hill bombing.  So fun!  I chose to do some powerslides this time instead of just pointing the whole way which was way more fun.  We hiked up to do it again, but a cop parked nearby so Nate, Carleigh and I waited til he left.  Jason wandered off somewhere so we had to wait.  The second hill bomb was even funner.A bit of skating down the street later we ended up at the long and tiny 2 stair.  Carleigh and Nate ollied it first try.  I took about 10 tries.  It was still fun though.After getting kicked out of the 2 stair boardslide ledge before any of us could land it we ended up at a wide two stair that we did tricks up/off or manuals.  Nate got manual and nose manual then ollied a huge gap over a ashtray.  So sick.  Carleigh got back shove down the two.  Jason got manual and the best slam on a back 180 attempt up.  I worked for a switch front 180 up then kickflip off.  I’ve never done a sw 180 up two before.  Yippee.We hit a nearby ledge for a few quick boardslides and sick manuals through the skate stoppers by Nate and Jason before getting the boot and everyone agreed we were too tired to skate anymore.  Three hours of downtown skating will do that.  Such a fun night.