skate journal: downtown boulder with jack, jason (Aug 4, 2010)

After a nice nap, dinner and tossing a football around with Ollie, Jason and I headed downtown to skate.  We started at some weird alley spot when Little Jack rolled by and eventually joined us after playing cool guy and cruising right by us.  Not much happened here and we ended up at Wells Fargo where we skated the dinky quarterpipe for awhile.  Jack did some cool ollies in weird spots as well as a bunch of rad pivot shove tricks.  Jason ollied to front d around a corner.  I bailed pivots to fakie and tried fakie feeble and turn all the way around to land it.Jack took off for home and Jason and I went over to the white ledge feeling somewhat warmed up.  After trying some dumb quick ollies we hit the ledge where I failed miserably.  Jason got some good grinds and noseslides.  We started hitting it after the kicker and Jason as usual put down some good ollies and backed them up with long back 50s.  I was unable to snap my ollies and felt bummed on it.  I managed a back 50 eventually then another line with crooks and almost a fast treflip.  I’m finally moving more than 2mph on my treflip attempts.We left of the ‘pop out’ ledge by University Bicycles.  I finally got in the groove here.  Got a real good line for me.  Fakie flip, sw front 180 up the curb, horrible front board pop out, a i-hope-there-are-no-cars-coming kickflip off the curb, then a back 180 up the curb.  I had trouble getting the kickflip up the curb, but back boardslides were going down ok.  I tried another run with treflip, ollie up the curb, front board popout.  I landed a treflip at one point, looked up and almost ran straight into a biker going the wrong way on the bike path.  Awesome.  I thought that would be the only treflip I landed, but I ended up getting quite a few more.  They felt great and I was skating faster than normal.  Jason got a super long front board pop out to high 5 from me and we headed out.On the way back to the car I had a blast.  Got a long manual around a sidewalk corner and was going pretty fast so I didn’t push before getting a back 180 up the next curb.  We hit the new Walnut ledge on the way out and did a couple basics.  The brick section was fun and we ollied the 3 stair.  I got lucky and mannied up the RTD median and ended with a super fun ollie quick ollie over a couple manholes by the car.  Man I wish I didn’t take so long to warm up.