skate journal: double kickflips! then weird spots with Carleigh and Neil (Aug 20, 2010)

Got out of work kinda early and felt like skating. Neil and Carleigh were down and we met at my house. I was warming up while waiting and eventually started hucking double kickflips. They started to feel close and as Carleigh pulled up I landed one. When Neil showed up I told him I learned double flips then proceeded to land another one that try. Hyped! If I remember right I landed the very first double flip I tried over five years ago, but never came close again. And the first one was just a huck. But these felt good and I felt like I learned the trick instead of just getting lucky.We rolled out and parked near the south side of campus, but went toward some apartments instead.  One the way we skated a weird rock thing for a bit.  Carleigh pushed for two miles at full speed to try and wallie out of the rock.  Neil got some front pivots on it.  I kinda wallied out of the rock, pivoted the rock and took a good shinner trying to ollie onto a rock.Next up was a mini mini bank to curb.  And by mini I mean it was a regular curb with a bank up to it.  So a one foot long bank up to a curb.  In spots there is a couple inches of yellow curb showing so you can do grinds.  Carleigh did 5-os both ways.  Neil slashed it.  I had fun too and was hyped to get a front 5-o revert.  Around the corner we hit an awkward 5 stair.  It had a downhill runway.  We sent Carleigh off first since she doesn’t know how to bail and she stacked pretty hard first try.  Ha.  Neil and I bailed a few times and Carleigh landed the ollie and started moving on to pop shove.  I eventually got the ollie which surprisingly kinda hurt to land, but felt good.We cruised and found this weird double sided curb on a mini handicap ramp.  I tried a ollie over the curb down to a yellow curb, landed in front tail and ate shit.  The yellow curb looked old and crusty, but it slid so good and I wasn’t expecting it.  Ouch, my wrist has been hurting.  I resorted to trying ollie over to front 50 while Carleigh tried kickflips over the curb to drop.  Neil chilled.  Luckily it took Carleigh awhile to get it because in the meantime I did my first ever kickflip front board.  Granted it was a curb and I was going super slow, but that’s number one for me.  Carleigh landed the kickflip and we ended it.  Hyped to land two new tricks in one day.