skate journal: scooter park with Ollie and Sam (Oct 3, 2010)

Sore from the long day of skating before, but it was a really nice Sunday.  Ollie wanted to go to the Arvada park, but we didn’t have the time so we decided on the scooter park.  When we got there it was crowded with 10 kids going in circles non stop.  So dumb.  Ha.  We just got in their way a lot and they eventually left.  I tried a bunch of kickflip back and front tails.  Came close the the back ones, but no where close on the front.  Other then that I mostly just did some mannies around the way.  Tried some full cab flips, but didn’t get close, tried an alley oop fakie front bigspin and got it.  I guess it was probably more like a fakie front shove with a tiny angle, but whatever, it was new.  Ollie and Sam mostly pushed down the hill fast and flew off into the grass.  Ollie did a few high speed carves that were pretty cool.