skate journal: solo campus fun gone bad (Oct 5, 2010)

Another gorgeous fall evening.  Worked late, everyone else skated Broomfield early, had a nap and watched Leave It To Beaver with India.  Such an awesome show.  Ha.  Was driving to downtown, but saw campus on the way and went for it.  I skated around for awhile with Titus Andronicus on the mp3 player and found a new parking lot with all kinds of awesomeness.  I quickly picked a couple lines and tricks I wanted to do.  First one was kickflip up a curb, front180 down a narrow 3 then sw front 180 off the curb.  That came pretty quick.  Next up was an ollie off a narrow ledge over a sidewalk then ollie up the 3.  That one took awhile.  Getting the courage to push fast enough on the narrow ledge and actually go for the ollie was hard for me.  I was definitely a bit tired.  I eventually got it, followed it by a quick up the curb, ollie up the 3 then front 180 off the curb.  All pretty fun.  The last trick was to ollie onto a different narrow ledge and ollie a little gap.  The gap is basically only a three stair, but the narrow ledge setup was soooo hard for me.  I eventually took my headphones off because they kept falling off anyways.  But I couldn’t get the narrow ollie so I started trying it in a line.  Ollie over a curb to manual a sidwalk (not just up a curb, but over a curb that dropped down to a sidwalk), heelflip, narrow ledge ollie.  I eventually added halfcab flip to the start of the line and managed to get the whole line.  It came with the price of a cracked board on the narrow ollie.  After landing it I wanted to try it again and get a treflip after.  Halfcab flip sketchy, manny good, heelflip on point, ollie onto the ledge, hang up and who knows what happened but my kneecap started swelling up real quick.  I guess I hit it on the corner of the ledge or curb after the gap.  Ugh.  The highlight was lying there in pain and the goth lesbian couple asking if I was ok.  I tried to walk it off back to the car, but as I write this the pain is pretty intense.  Ice, Ibuprofen and a bit of whiskey might help.  We’ll see.