skate journal: kickflips in front of the house (Oct 6, 2010)

I was looking to see how long it’s been since those Ipath Stash’s were new so that’s why the last entry was so late.  Can’t believe I forgot to hit ‘Publish’.  Oh well.  So yeah, the stash’s felt like crap the last time I had them.  Very thin and flat.  They didn’t last as long as the time before that, but I’ve been doing more flippers lately.  My knee still hurt, but not as bad as I would have thought.  The knee cap looks pretty gross.  Maybe in a couple days when the bruise spreads it’s black and blue all over I’ll take a photo.  Anyways I setup a new board as I cracked my board pretty bad the night before.  Perfect time for new shoes!After a run to Community to sell boards, eating a bunch of cookies and reading to the kids I went out for some light skating under the street light.  I bent down for the first ollie and it hurt way worse then I had thought.  Doh.  Kickflips somehow didn’t hurt so I went for them.  I had a couple 10+ streaks.  The most being 16.  Pretty weak night, hopefully my knee gets better.