skate journal: some manny pad action before filmer mode (Nov 6, 2010)

Feeling run down and sore in a fighting a cold kinda way, I met up with Jason early to skate the manny pad before filming Mikey. Carleigh joined us after awhile as it took Mikey a long time to arrive. Jason and I took a long time to land tricks. Jason rarily gets nose mannies, but he put down a bunch of them. It was cool. He also did a really smooth halfcab manny back 180 out. So good. I took forever to get nose manny shove out, but when I did it felt great. I also got a couple kickflip mannies, failed at nollie shove mannies for awhile, got front shove, fakie big up the curb. Ended it with a first every fakie bigflip up the curb. Carleigh put down a few mannies too. Mikey showed up and after a bit of playing around we went out filming.Mikey beat himself up for the most part. But we had fun.