Skater Of The Year 2010?

I can’t figure out who Thrasher will give it to this year. To me there isn’t one person that is leagues above everyone else. Here’s what I think should be looked at:1. Video part(s). This one is mandatory. You gotta have at least one bangin’ part.2. Magazine/internet coverage.3. ContestsAnd you gotta be progressing skateboarding. Not just upping the stair count by a couple. With that in mine here’s a few I think could take it:1. Leo Romero. Two parts! I haven’t seen the Brainwash video yet. Progressing skateboarding with the up rail stuff, but is it enough? A bit too much of a hammer kid for me to get overly hyped on.2. Brandon Westgate. Best part in the Emerica video. Probably part of the year for me. Totally pushing ollies over stuff to a new level.3. Grant Taylor. Gnarly coverage, but no video part.4. Cory Kennedy. Another top part of the year (Sasquatch), KOTR MVP (you know Phelps is hyped on this), tons and tons of internet and magazine coverage, pushing tech/gnar to a new level, smiles for days. I could see him getting it next year.5. Shane O’Neil. Sick part, Street League stuff, etc. I need to get over the Berrics association.6. P Rod. He’s done it all this year and has a video part coming in a week that will probably be insane. The PR shirts ruin it for me even though he’s lost a bit of the roboticness.7. Malto. Sick coverage, contest stuff, but no video part.8. Reynolds. Leading the stair count race and he’s in his 30s. I really don’t like when they give it to someone that has already won SOTY though.9. Tory Pudwill. Lots of NBD’s in his Transworld part, but man, clean up those arms kid.*EDIT* I forgot Dylan Rieder.  Lots of people are on his stick after the Burton part.  I’m not.  It’s got some amazing stuff, but those one footed treflips ruin the part more than a no speed tic tac for me.There’s probably someone I’m forgetting. I seriously don’t think I can say who I think deserves it. I just know that Cory Kennedy has probably hyped me up more than anyone else on that list.