skate journal: filming and cold weather skating (Nov 13, 2010)

It was supposed to snow in the afternoon so everyone was moving quicker than normal. Neil, Brian and Bernie met at my house and after watching the Habitat video we went to meet John at Google. His goal was to do a 270 no comply to tail into the bank. Before I turned into filmbot everyone was warming up. It felt weird to be skating street again. It’s funny how ollie’ing up a curb isn’t a guarantee after a few days off. Or maybe it’s not funny. Anyways I filmed John try to get the last minute trick for the Meta video, but it didn’t work out. He lost his mind and his board. Being filmed sucks. Me and John share the same hatred for it. It’s rarily an enjoyable experience. Next up Bernie, Brian, Neil, Lazer and I drove around looking for spots. We ended up at Ball Aerospace for a bit before getting kicked out. Then on to an old wallie spot that turned out to be more fun than anticipated. Especially because the top was waxed up. Lazer and Brian skated for a bit, landed some tricks then sat it out. Neil was off and on dude to hip pains. Bernie and I skated a lot. Bernie was ripping. That spot is way funner than I remembered. Bernie did so many amazing tricks. Kickflip over the curb to manual, front 180 nose manual over the curb, almost ollie a 10 foot flat gap, a long manual popped up to front 50 transfer, an 8 flip trick run, front lip 270 transfer, front board transfer, etc. Neil had some good one foots, wallies and ollies. I skated decent for me. Got some boardslide transfers, kickflips up curbs, halfcab boardslide transfer, worked up to a halfcab boardslide 270 out transfer, and a line of quick up to a tiny gap, treflip, boardslide transfer, front 180 off the curb, fakie fip. Pretty fun and pretty cold.