skate journal: short parking block transfer session (12/1/2010)

Tired and feeling sick I had to run some errands which brought me to Mikes Camera.  After bumming them out by staying at least 3 minutes past their closing time of 7pm I went across the street to a parking block that kinda sucked.  It had a sign in the way, wasn’t lit too well, wasn’t slick and otherwise perfect.  I started trying front boardslid to front 270 transfer out.  It sounds cool sure, but really I was sliding for about an inch, leaning on the nose and pivoting about 90 out before tic tacking my way to 270.  I got one pretty quick, but it was horrible.  I then proceeded to slam a lot.  This is because I was wearing my black khakis.  For whatever reason I have nick named them my painful pants and never remember to not skate in them.  I ended up getting a better one then called it a night.