skate journal: campus with John and no motivation (Dec 7, 2010)

You would think that on day 299 I would be more hyped.  The fact is I felt super burnt out, sore, and not motivated to skate.  I was however, very happy to finally get to skate with John after weeks of conflicting schedules.  We met at Meta then rolled down into campus.  First stop was the angled curb parking lot.  Not as fun the 4th time.  We both tried the narrow ledge drop to ollie back up and failed.  The death factor was a little high for me that early on in the session.  Some more rolling around, a John kickflip slam and we ended up at the two stair in front of the crowded UMC.  There was a lot of stressed out students finishing up finals.  I don’t miss that part of college at all.  We tried to manual the two stair for awhile and both came close (John was way closer) before a group of students came out and smoked cigarettes on the stairs.  Smoking sucks.  We were supposed to ollie the four stair on the way out like it was nothing, but I failed.  Three times.  I was really feeling the motivation issues.  Ugh.  I finally got it and we hit the well lit area nearby for a game of SKATE.  The last time we played SKATE it lasted for about three hours.  This time, not so bad.  John got me with front shove (ugh), fakie flip (ugh ugh), treflip (ugh), nollie flip (ok with that one) and switch flip (considering I’ve only landed it once i don’t mind losing on that one).  Next up was the banked manny pad.  Or in our case, a bank.  John looked at it and all it’s cracks in disapproval, but after I layed down a couple Gillinghammers first try he accepted the spot for what it was.  I did front rock, front tail and a front tail backside revert.  Maybe even a manual to rock ‘n roll manual out with a few tilts.  John did front tail, almost a rad sal flip and then we both ollied and took off to the round stairs.  John ollied it huge first try and I layed into a long powerslide which turned my cheap wheels into rectangles.  Ugh.  John did some good back 180s off the 3, I did some bad ones off the two and that was it.  Day 299 done.  So hyped on not having to skate every day anymore.  Gonna take a day off before the big 300 so I’m more motivated and enjoy it more.