skate journal: I finally had fun at the Lafayette park! (Dec 29, 2010)

Made another run to Crisis as Fuzz is killing it!  He couldn’t skate after and Skelly had called saying they were going to Lafayette so I went out there.  As I pulled in Scotty P and Dar were there which hyped me up.  Rolling around the park over to the mini bowl and to my surprise Shane Ritter was there!!!  Holy Crap!  We ended up basically skating, laughing and getting our old guy mojo on.  It was a blast.  I sucked it up in the mini bowl and there was one dude there totally murdering it so we moved on to where most old guys go – the hubba/rails dude.  We started with the bump up to ledge.  Shane went back and front 50.  I went front 50 and 5-0, noseslide and tried crooks, but never put it in right.  I got close to my “Zero” line of boardslide down the rail, then noseslide down the hubba, but everytime I would slide the noseslide all the way and then fall on the impact of dropping all two feet or whatever.  Pretty pathetic.  Shane was going for back 5-0 on the bump to ledge and back 180 up the euro.  I started posing some noseslides on the tall bump to ledge and surprisingly around the time the warning buzzer turned on i went for it and after a couple tries I landed one.  Really hyped on that.  I never thought I’d even touch that thing.  Sean, Mike, Shane and Grant killed the marble pole jam thing.  Sean had boardslide to fakie, Grant like 20 tricks, Shane almost front board.  As the street lights had shut off I did some laps trying and failing at nose mannies on the little manny pad followed by a run through the rock section.  I did front rock on the little rock qpipe, front tail on the manhole, other tricks that I felt like I was finally starting to loosen up and dig this park.  Hyped.  Right before the lights shut off Dar and I tried to do front lips on the little marble ledge and we both got close, but the lights shut off right in the middle of Dar trying one.  So sketchy.  Fun session.  Whew, so I guess it was indeed the crowds that bummed me out before, because the park itself is clearly awesome.