skate journal: Rampy with Dave Fuller (Jan 9, 2011)

The winter storm had hit.  I had a busy morning of shovelling, hanging with the family, walking to the grocery store to get some much needed coffee and sledding with the kids.  A few people were interested, but only Dave showed up to skate.  We had a good session.  Mellow at times, kinda heated at others.  Dave has such a good style and has a pretty large bag of tricks.  It’s hard to blog them all.  One of my favorites what the coping grab nose pick 270.  The tricks he worked on the hardest were back tail 180 out, fakie pop shove rock, never quite got fakie crooks to fakie.  I had a fun time even though I struggled with front disasters for some reason.  I did a lot of frontside “ollies” (I put it in quotes because I’m not quite sure what I’m doing qualifies as an ollie), a front feeble, fakie pivot fakie, Hewitt grinds (sorry Brian) and a first time on Rampy fakie rock to fakie smith.  I tried a few kickflip axle stalls too, but never got close.  I think it’s possible, just super hard to get set up.  Seeing as how it’s snowing like crazy out right now I’ll probably have some time to work on it.