skate journal: Yellow curbs with TF (Jan 13, 2011)

A balmy night in the thirties compared to the frigid nights below zero we’ve experienced recently. Jason and I met Fuzz, Neil and Brian and Crisis. After some conversing and bidness we rolled to yellow curbs.  After some initial laps around the place I played phone directions for Dave to meet us and missed out on some round robin blunts on a parking block.  I kinda just started skating around the whole place and everyone else was having fun in one area. I guess I was being the Forrest Edwards of the group. You can’t get paid doing blunt pivots on a parking block. I still can’t nose manual at that spot for some dumb reason. Dave showed up with a friends old board. It’s funny because on the way to Broomfield Jason and I were talking about his SF trip and how he had to borrow a friends board and he hated it.  Anyways during the warm up phase I was kinda hyped on a couple things.  Little front tailslide on a curb, halfcab flips were working, and everyone seemed to be having a blast.Then it seemed everyone was skating the longer manual pad in the back corner and the slappy curb against the entrance.  It’s soooo good for slappies.  I think everyone did some good ones.  Neil had some sick nose mannies and tried doing pop shove nose manny, but can’t quite commit to leaning forward enough.  Brian was actually trying manuals!  He also did a sick front 180 fakie 50 and came out fakie.  Brian also made fun of me for looking to serious when I skate.  He’s right though.  Even when I’m having a blast (which I was) I don’t show much emotion.  I think it’s because no matter what I do I know it’s not very “good”.  But whatever, I should smile more.  But not in a weird open mouth cock eyed smirk like Aaron Suski.  Ha.  Jason had a lot of great slams.  He was having trouble keeping his feet under him and went down tumbling a lot.  He had some good slappy back tails and manuals.  Dave had some rad curb moves.  I don’t even remember some of the crazier ones.  I was having a great time, enjoying not being as sore as last year forcing myself to skate everyday.  I tried a bunch of kickflip manuals and never got one.  I also tried a bunch of kickflip front 50 and kick back tails of which I also failed.  Although the kick front 50s were close and I would land on it, but on the sidewalk.  Doh.  Actually almost got one in a run I would have been so hyped on.  Kickflip up the curb, back 180 over a puddle, halfcab flip, kickflip miss the front 50 by about an inch.  Doh.  I think my favorite thing at yellow curbs is doing back 50s on the corner.  Anyways, Neil started chilling and it was mostly a trick up, trick off the manny pad in the corner.  Fuzz was going off.  Halfcab manual, front 180 up then switch front shove off, front 180 up, fakie flip off, halfcab flip off, kickflip up over the puddle with 360 flip off, 360 flip over the puddle, etc.  Killing it.  Jason got front 180 up, sw back 180 the puddle, some funny ass halfcab attempts over the puddle, back 180 the puddle.  Dave got front 180 up and sw ollie and sw 180 the puddle.  I had gotten kickflip up, kickflip off over the puddle, nollie front shove up then front shove off.  I was pretty hyped on how often I would actually land the nollie shove up, but not so hyped that the front shove off was actually difficult for some reason.  I had got gotten a couple fakie bigspins up the curb and wanted to pop shove the puddle, but the session got cut short.  Fuzz was almost getting switch front 360s off when security rolled up and gave us the boot.  He yelled “IDs!” at us.  I knew what he meant, but it sounded like “AT EASE!” so I told him I was.  He took our names which sucks because that parking garage is fun.  Oh well it was a super fun night.