skate journal: January depression (Jan 18, 2011)

Had a decent day at work. Fell asleep on the couch after dinner, then woke up and tossed a nerf football around with Ollie. My legs felt great. It was nice outside. I went skating around 9. Campus again. This time I decided to push faster down the little hill from where I parked. I started doing some little crack ollies then SLAM. Right on my left elbow and hip. Elbow starts bleeding again. Great, I gotta remember to bandage that up before Liz gets mad at me again for bleeding all over the sheets. Anwyays, it didn’t bum me out that much. I ended up at the little median by the rec center. I felt decent still. It’s only about two feet long so I don’t know if you can actually count what I did as “manuals”, but I did manny, manny front 180, sw 180 manny, fs 180 nose manny, nose manny and a halfcab manny. I moved on, feeling better than last night, but still a weird feeling in my head which I guess is depression. I ended up at the little ledge drop thing behind the Library I tried to ollie a bunch when I was with Fuzz, Bernie, Greg, Jake and Ollie. I almost didn’t try to ollie it, but reminded myself I’m not supposed to back away from ollies I can do anymore. I landed it. I moved on and before long was behind the student center. I decided on trying a line ending at the ledge with the low handrail next to it (as the ledge gets longer the rail gets lower). This is where it went south. I tried to start with kickflip up the curb. I couldn’t do it. When I finally did it I tried to follow it up with a no comply 180, then f/s halfcab, then ollie onto the ledge and who knows what on the handrail. I doubted that I would actually commit to anything, but I thought it would be fun trying. WRONG. I could not ollie up the stupid ledge. It’s got a downhill approach with cracks, but still. I started questioning how the hell I could suck at skateboarding so bad. Instead of leaving my dumb ass kept trying it and getting more and more bummed. I almost left the spot walking and leaving my board behind. Instead I pushed mostly to the car. I went home so depressed. Luckily I am married to an amazing woman though and she did her best to cheer me up. It may have worked, but I don’t plan on skating for a few days. I have no idea how I could possibly have skated 312 days last year. I had entertained thoughts of going for it again as I’ve only missed a few days so far. No. Never again.