Tricks to do by 40 (rough draft)

Silly me and my stupid trick lists. Anyways, this one has been in my mind for awhile. I want to be able to say I did some of the Boulder basics. I want to put 10 tricks on the list. Is it a reality to get all 10? Probably not. But here is a rough list. I have a week to finalize this garbage.

1. Manual at Wilville. Never done it. Come close, but the last kink throws me off.
2. Front 50 Sussex ledge. Once again, close, but never done it.
3. Ollie a bench gap at Southern Hills. Yeah, I landed on one like 8 years ago, but never did it. I can’t ollie.
4. Kickflip the “Dentist 5” stair. The one trick on here I’ve actually done before, but Max wants me to do it again.
5. Ollie the St Julien 9 stair. Considering I’ve never ollied over 6 stairs before this one is the scariest.
6. Ollie up, backside flip off at the elementary school on the hill. Thanks Jack.
7. Nose manual nollie treflip out at the Mikes Camera manny pad (or any manny pad). All I can say about this one is “Yeah Right!” If I ever even got close I would probably still freak out.

Not sure about the next three. Some rough ideas are:
– Treflip challenge. A line with treflip, nollie treflip and fakie treflip. Yeah so switch tre should be in there too, but this is me we’re talking about.
– Kickflip back 50 ballpark ledges? Probably not gonna make the list.
– I should probably have a tranny trick on the list. Something like finally doing a front smith on something other than Rampy. But maybe I’ll save tranny stuff for when I’m over 40. Ha.

Anyone got any ideas? Hit me up. Thanks!