skate journal: Fort Morgan with Nullers (May 1, 2011)

Forever ago on a filming mission for Soup D’Jour we had one of the most epic filming and skating days in Fort Morgan, CO. We’ve been back a couple times since with various crews. The initial crew was Bernie, Eric Napolitano, Tyler’s brother Josh and me. This time around it was Jack, Derek, Bernie, Dean and I. We got a really early start and were pulling into drive by coffee around 11am. It was hilarious because we were in rural Colorado and when Dean and his English accent ordered an “English Breakfast” the lady just stared at him. Then we went to the skatepark. Everyone started at the miniramp. Jack killed it, the rest of us struggled. Derek was sore from the day before. Me and Dean aren’t the best skaters. I’m not sure what Bernie’s excuse was. Ha. Apparently we missed an amazing slam as Jack tried to manual from high to low and drop into front disaster and missed. He had some really steezey front 5-0’s to fakie the Strubing way, no comply tailslides and more slams. I can’t skate anything but Rampy it seems. I worked up to front ds, smiths and that’s about it. Mellow ramps are so hard to skate.

Then we hit the crack ridden main area of the park. We played a game of SKATE that Bernie or Jack won. Then I kinda tried a few lines. I did boardslide the flatbar, f/s ollie on the flatbank, rock ‘n roll on the tight qp, kickflip over a crack then early grab melon/method/whatever happened off the launch ramp. So fun. I got another run with front 50 on the ledge, b/s flip on the flatbank then another launcher. Jack was kind of on fire everywhere. He back 50’d the ridiculous 5 stair rail and back salad’ it. Back 270 front lip on the flat bar. Derek did nose manny nollie back 180 out on the ledge that took me forever to manual. Next we hit the tennis court wallride where Jack went so high we filmed a line to it.

Then we went to the nearby school where Jack went nuts and hippy jumped the bar in no time. Then we skated the manny pad for awhile. Bernie got close to halfcab manual b/s flip out while I struggled to get manual and nose manual. Then I went to work filming for awhile. Lets just say Jack got a bangin’ line and Bernie almost got a rad manual trick. We drove around for awhile, found a rail, harassed an old lady, filmed Jack dropin on something, posed on a flatbars, and ended up at a gap to rail that Jack manned up to. Last spot of the day was a downhill manny pad where everyone but Derek had fun. Ha. Derek was so tired and worked so hard to do a front 180 nose manual. Bernie slammed harder than possible on a curb, but got back up and kick nose mannied it. Jack got nollie heel manual. Dean filmed while I felt about as old as I could possibly feel. I had managed to manual it pretty quickly, but could not kickflip up the curb to save my life ugh.

Oh, and I didn’t bitch about my shoes enough.  As you can see above the stupid red dye in the soles of the Supras messed up the rubber and it all just rubs off right away.  It’s so bad in the ollie area that there is no grip after a few ollies.  I have been on a serious shoe slump lately.  Luckily, Jack gave me permission to retire the Supras as we sat at Taco John’s before leaving Ft Morgan.  Those shoes sucked.