skate journal: late night solo valmont (May 4, 2011)

Kind of worn out feeling and had just sat around and had a movie/popcorn date with India (Despicable Me).  Decided I should go skate and get them new clown shoes broken in.  I refer to them as clown shoes because of the colors and the fact that they feel about two sizes too long.  Anyways, I was pretty motivated once I got to Valmont surprisingly.  I mostly skated the manny pads and after a few flatground kickflips settled into a couple line attempts.  Going one way I was trying to do a speedy manual, nose manual on the next one, front 180 up the curb, f/s halfcab flip off.  I was trying to go fast enough on the first manual that I wouldn’t have to push again.  It took a bit, but I did get it.  By the time I got to the f/s halfcab flip I was going pretty slow, but whatevs, I was hyped.  Kickflips are the best way for me to break in shoes.  So going the other way I was doing kickflip up the curb, kickflip off the curb then trying kickflip manual.  I got this one too with a scrape.  But the kick manny took forever.  I must have done 100 kickflips total.  Since I had gotten the f/s halfcab flip line I started trying another ridiculous line for me.  Nose manny, manual front 180 out the next one, front shove up the curb, b/s flip off.  The front shove was the initial roadblock, then for some reason I started becoming unable to do nose manuals.  It was really annoying.  I tried a few other flippers and long nose mannies when I would mess up.  I couldn’t get a treflip in these shoes to save my life.  I slammed a lot and it felt good.  I tried ollie’ing off the loading dock a couple times and slammed both times.  Total wheel bite slams.  Ugh.  St Julien will never happen.