skate journal: campus with carreigh (Cinco De Mayo, 2011)

Ended up having a busier evening then I figured running errands and shooting some hoops with Ollie. Carleigh came by at around 8:30 and we went to campus. There wasn’t much parking as it was graduation, but found a good spot. We ended up first at the double set with the curb I want to boardslide. It’s not lit very well so there was no way I was really gonna go for it. But it was kinda fun just dorking around. Next we ended up at the round stair spot that goes from 1 stair up to 6. After ollieing the 4 we each settled into our own things. I was trying a line of ollieng the 4 then doing a quick manual where the big crack starts right after the stairs. That took a long time. Actually, after a couple slams and lots of bails I started trying it different. I ended up doing crooks on the ledge, ollie the 3, then the manual. I think I finally landed it after Carleigh nollied the two stair for her first nollie down “something”. My next line was a noseslide to fakie then a front pop shove down the two going 2mph. 2 for 2. Lastly I did a back 50 on the ledge then kickflipped the two. Kinda hyped on that one. Then we went to the nearby flatground area and Carleigh broke her 1-0 kickflip record for the day. She struggled, but got one. I took awhile to finally get a treflip in the clown shoes, but managed to rattle off several other tricks and felt decent. On the way to the car we had a fun downhill ride through the new parking lot with the 3 stair manny pad. Fun.