skate journal: Valmont with John (May 12, 2011)

I debated calling in sick for work as I was feeling a cold come on. Instead I went to work, had a really busy day then went home and took a long nap. I love naps. Love them. After some dinner I played basketball with Ollie for awhile and John hit me up to go skating. We texted for several minutes about where to skate before I just gave up and called him. We met at Valmont basically as the sun was setting. The ledge area was wet, but the manny pads were good. After some pretty typical old man warming up (ie, barely landed ollies up low curbs) we got in a groove. John got a halfcab manual followed by nose manny. I came super close to front 180 nose manny and almost did a kickflip nose manual but I touched at the start. I was having fun lining out the basics too. Then we started just dorking around skating a curb like it was a ledge since John wanted to learn back tails. I kept telling him they are impossible and that kickflip back tails are way easier. So he tried back tails while I tried kick back tails. Since kick back tails are easier than back tails I landed some. I also tried a few front pivot kickflips out and did a pretty good impression of Lloyd’s ballet kick, but that was about it. Then we played a long mellow game of SKATE that ended when rock star john hurt his rock star wrist and didn’t want to put tomorrow nights show in jeapordy. Oh, I know it’s the middle of May, but seriously, it was pretty warm for February.