skate journal: valmont with carleigh, ollie and cooper (July 12, 2011)

Another evening with threatening thunderstorms. The forecast said “heavy rain” so of course this would be the first day the storms held out for awhile. Ollie wanted to skate and invited his neighbor buddy Cooper to join us. We picked up Carleigh and went to Crest View, but there was tons of moms with little kids so we moved on and went to Valmont loading dock spot. Ollie and Cooper cruised all around the place the whole time. Not doing tricks so much, but ripping and having fun. Lots of coffin’s down the escalator, ollies off the low part, riding through the sprinkler, etc. It was warmer out than we thought. Carleigh started with flatground and landed quite a bit. I kind of just messed around initially. Got a lot of crooks on the ledge until I announced that I had landed every one I tried. Then I couldn’t land it again. Typical. I moved a little pallet on top so it could be a manny pad and got a run of kickflip up the curb, nose manual on the pallet, then front 180 off the loading dock. That thing is tall! Then I put a chair on it and tried to ollie it in a line for awhile. Kickflip up the curb, manual, ollie off the dock over the chair. It took me awhile and Carleigh was kind enough to not ollie it first try. Although it did end up taking her 3 tries to ollie it, so clearly it wasn’t the normal super small Glen gap. I got the line with a really sketchy ollie at the end. Carleigh got a few kickflips up the curb and backed one up with the same line is me. Although she decided to make the manual the sketchy part of her line. Ha. I tried to treflip up the curb for awhile and failed. I tried to resort to heelflips up, but those failed too and then the rain started so we left. Fun night.