skate journal: mostly valmont with jack (July 31, 2011)

Well it’s official, I’m on the big board bandwagon. New 149 Thunder “Light” Trucks and an 8.25″ board. I guess Fuzz gets the most credit for the upgrade because I don’t want people to think he has a bigger deck than me (oh man such a bad joke). But at least mine is lighter (still a bad joke) because I got light trucks instead of the regular ones. I mean why even get the regular trucks when you can get the same truck, but lighter? Now when he can’t ollie something as high as me (which will never happen because Fuzz could ollie way higher than me even if he was skating a shopping cart) I will make sure to point out that his trucks are too heavy.

Ok, time to talk about skating. Oh wait, first, it was almost 100 degrees and I was lazy and starving. We went to a covered manny pad to start things. Nothing special went down. We went to a nearby building where Jack beat himself up to get a rather unique and cool trick that I didn’t film very well. After some driving around we ended up at Valmont which ended up benig a blast. Jack started out with a manual up the escalator ledge balanced to a stop then went fakie and did a fakie flip out. Ridiculous. The kid in him couldn’t resist the loading dock, but the old man in him couldn’t do a little kid trick. He did a few no comply 180s down it while I jibbed some front tails on the sticky ledge. I did a few crooks and back 50s and flipped the board around a bit to try and get used to it. It was going ok. Jack did an early grab off the loading dock so I tried too. Three tries later I got it and it was fun. Jack added early grab one foot and almost early grab late shove wtf? Then he did a boneless pole jam bonk thing that I had to try too and somehow came away first try. After that we played a long game of SKATE without too many kickflip variations because Jack’s ankle is still sore. Overall the big board/trucks felt good and maybe I’ll end up liking it.