skate journal: fossil creek radness! (August 5, 2011)

On our way to Ft Collins to go to the Launch fundraiser we stopped at Fossil Creek around 5:30 with a goal of only skating there for about an hour to get to MRKT. It ended up being way too fun to even consider leaving. The crew was Jack, Carleigh, Bernie and me. There was a couple other dudes there that were fun too. We started out at the top area just doing our own things to get warmed up. Pretty early on Jack ollied up the 3 stair to manual and snapped a fat ollie down the nine. Ridiculous. I got a line I liked of crooks on a tall ledge that went up a curb, kickfip off the curb, ollie up another ledge then noseslide off the three stair ledge (done poorly). Bernie was doing lots of kickflip manuals and kick nose mannies. I had come with the goal of ollieing the 7 stair. Carleigh and I tried some doubles down the six stair, but I failed everytime. Ugh. I was skating pretty good, but just didn’t have the trigger on anything bigger than 3. I even popped over the ledge off the 3 stair which stoked me out quite a bit. I think I got Jack’s back on something like a first try back salad down the 7 stair. Bernie manualled the curb, dropped off the curb still in manual then ollied up the 3 stair ledge. So sick. Bernie and Jack skated the slanted manny pad for awhile while Carleigh and I skated the 3 stair manny pad at the top. I joined Bernie and Jack for a bit just long enough to embarrass myself and get out of there. Everyone ended up back at the top area. jack was killing the ledge off the curb. He would do a transfer trick up onto it then turn around and do a trick down it. He did so many tricks it’s impossible to remember them all. Front 180 fakie crooks transfer. Kick back tail (kind of). Boardslide 270 shove. Nollie back lip transfer. So many. I got a couple slow ollie over to tailslide and tried to do a shove out, but couldn’t get that. I skated the three stair for awhile. Took awhile to get front shove down it, but got a first try kickflip which hyped me up. I was finally able to get some front 50s on the bigger board on the somewhat tall ledge up top. Bernie, Jack and I skated the ledge combos from the top for a bit. You could ollie up one ledge, drop to another, ollie up to another one, up yet another then go down the 7 stair hubba. I couldn’t get the ollie transfers between them, but did little rock transfers. I only made it that far once and when I rode down the 7 stair hubba I slammed pretty hard. Jack had some cool combos like manual gap to back 50. Bernie almost got manny drop to manny up to manny up to manny. Wowsers. The last part of the session was Jack losing in SKATE off a drop, Carleigh doing noseslide shove, Bernie almost doing tall kick back tail and me taking a long time to get a run of kickflip up the curb and treflip off. Whew. Long session. Super fun session. Exhausting. I think I’m finally sold on the bigger setup. With the exception of not being able to ollie down the bigger stairs (I did land the six stair once though) I skated about as good as i can. Jack, Bernie and Carleigh killed it. The art show and pizza later on was a blast too.