skate journal: solo downtown session (Aug 10, 2011)

Was feeling really tired after a kind of late night at Bright Eyes the night before. Actually made a couple of calls to see if anyone wanted to skate Lafayette park, but no one was down. I was gonna go solo, but as soon as I stepped outside of my house I realized it was too nice out to waste my time driving to a skatepark to wait in line. So I went to downtown Boulder and parked near St Julien. I cruised around for awhile just kinda mixing regular pushes with some switch pushes and doing some slow ollies up curbs. I ended up at flat bar / manny pad / parking block area and ended up having a blast. For some reason I’ve never thought to roll down the handicap ramp to have speed to do a manual uphill then hit the flatbar backside. I got a manual then noseslide real quick. I’ve crook’ed it once and thought it was hard at the time, but for some reason it seemed really easy now. I’ll give the bigger setup some credit, it feels easier to get on taller stuff. Anyways I got the crooks quick then tried it a few times in a line. Manual then crooks. Done. nose manual then an even better crooks. Awesome. I went across to the parking blocks for a bit. Tried to do ollie up curb then lipslide on a parking block all quick. I got it, but it was after I cracked my board pretty good. I do the really heavy footed lipslides because I am horrible at that trick. Next I ended up at my favorite downtown spot, the white ledge in the parking garage entrance. As I was in the process of relearning backside 50s (which I have to do everytime I go skating) Jack’s little brother Bob stopped by and said hi. Rad. I eventually was able to convince my body that it had done back 50s before and moved on to crooks and trying both in lines. I got the back 50 line with a horrible ollie off the curb cut first try I think. I got the crooks like first try too. Whoa! I tried to add treflip to the line, but ended up getting kicked out by a security guard that said “I could care less if your here, but I have to ask you to leave”. Lovely. That was pretty much the end of my skating. As I got near to my car I realized that the tour buses by St Julien were the same busss we saw last night at the Boulder Theater and yeap, saw a couple of the Bright Eyes dudes. As I skated by I was really surprised they didn’t recognize me as the guy in the 18th row at the show the night before. Stupid musicians.