skate journal: broomfield park with a huge crew (August 17, 2011)

Jack and Jake met up at my house shortly after 6 and we rolled to Crisis, hung out for a minute then off to the park. Jake and I started at the quartapotty and rattled off a few basics of ours. I manualled and nose manualled the blue pad way quicker than normal. It would be the start of a really weird night though. Basically I would either skate really good for me or absolutely horrible. No in between. Matt Carr showed up with a crew and they mostly skated the pool with Brian and Fuzz. They did some sick stuff even if I was shooting my board in on accident trying 2 mph kickflips on flat. Sorry Fuzz. I did a couple “pivots to fakie” on the quartapotty, but they weren’t proper at all. Derek and Jack were skating so good. They were hitting the rail. I saw Jack to a perfect front nosegrind down the double set rail, Derek follow it with front blunt and so much more. Jack got the wallie to firecracker he’s tried before. Derek did a fast kickflip to bankride that was gnarly. I tried to get a slow one, but was unable to and it started my decline. Dean and I ollied the six stair. I thought it would be enough to hyped me up to get the doubleset, but I bailed the first attempt and ended up hurting my back ankle pretty bad. I’m not sure what everyone else is doing, but I got bummed and tried nollie frontside bigflips for a long time by myself. It cheered me up even though I didn’t land one. I got really close though. Fuzz, Dean, Neil, Jack, and I skated the banked manny pads for awhile. Jack did something like ollie up kickflip to fakie nose manual down. Fuzz got a manual to rock to fakie manual down. Sick! I tried too, but can’t do fakie manuals. Last part of the night was the pier 7 ledge. Fuzz and I did lines of kickflip at the crack (basically into the mellow bank) the front 50 the ledge. He added manual and I added front 50 front 180 out. Jack did a perfect cab bigger spin then almost 5-0 front 360 shove out. Wowsers. I got lucky and did 360 flip followed by front 50 shove out with a sketchy landing. I moved over to try back 50 which took me awhile to work up the courage to try. And about the time I started committing to it and almost had it the lights shut off. I snapped and focused my board. I f’ing hate skateparks and their stupid regulated skate times. The softball field lights were still on of course. Ugh. To my credit the board was wearing down and was probably pretty cracked from some bad 360 flips earlier in the session.