skate journal: KOTC! “pre?” Day 1 kickoff (Aug 18, 2011)

The official start of KOTC 2011 was coming at midnight. I got to Carleigh’s around 9:00pm and Jack, Bernie, Derek, Brett and Max were soon to follow. We went to Canyon Center and started the warm up process. Everyone was cruising around doing whatever. It’s been a long time since the session so I wont remember much. I remember a wallride to fakie then a fakie flip from me and that’s about it. Next up was St Julien where Fuzz and John would meet us too. Max, Jack and Derek were killing it. It was dark and I kept wanting to go somewhere else, but we just kept staying there. I skated pretty poorly. I remember a line of front 180 the curb, halfcab flip on flat, ollie a milk crate and I was kind of excited about it. Bernie and I bombed into the St Julien parking garage. Jack ollied the rail for fun. At some point Fuzz and I manualled along the ledge. Jack did a ridiculous manual along the ledge through the narrow section with the bench and did kickflip out. At one point I unintentionally fell onto a milk crate that was propped on the ledge. How embarrassing. At midnignt KOTC challenges got started and I filmed Max and Jack ollie everyone down the 9 stair. Then we went to the Wells Fargo banks. Fuzz got a sick noseblunt transfer. I did a front pivot to fakie. Then we yelled PHISH SUCKS on pearl st, looked at the Widow Maker then bombed 9th. Ok, well Derek and Max bombed it. Carleigh and I were behind. I have never done that hill before and was doing some fun powerslides. Carleigh ran out at one point and I’m gonna say it threw me off so I started pointing before I was ready and then I jumped off. But the truth is I’m very conservative on hills. I was impressed with how much Carleigh bombed. Fuzz came by a few minutes later flying. Next up was Southern Hills. 20 tricks down the 2 stair 10 points each. I actually helped our team and got a few. No comply, boneless, boneless varial thing and maybe another trick. Carleigh snapped a board on pop shove (it’s definitely KOTC!). Max boardslid the rail. 5 tricks went down on the ledges too before I could even get a noseslide. Fun times. Day one over around 2 am. Sleepy time ..