skate journal: Rad crew, campus and then my knee takes me out (Aug 31, 2011)

Had a horrible day at work. Went home with the intention of meeting at Crisis by 7, but I fell asleep. It was much needed and Jake, Fuzz and Dean showed up at my house around 8 anyway. We went to campus. It was super nice out. Dean was free. We dorked around a little bit before ending up at this kind of long median manual pad that’s downhill. It took us a long time to get one and of course Fuzz was first. I eventually got one and both Jake and Dean had gotten really close. I was noticing that my stance felt really off and I seemed to be completely on my back (right) foot doing everything. We went to the steep bank spot at the bottom of campus. Jake owned this spot. First t rock ‘n roll then first t axle stall. I had done a fun wallride then went for axle stall and a couple tries in something happened in my knee and I had to sit in pain for most of the evening. Ugh. Those dudes had a fun session. Dean got a caveman nosepick. Fuzz did a lot too like pivot, blunt pivot, back pivot to back tail, back smith, etc. It was really the Jake show though. Back hurricane, front feeble, front pivot, nosepick, stalepick, roll in, so much more I can’t remember right now. So sick! We went up under the engineering building. I basically just tried manuals without really ollie’ing and powerslides. Thank god for being able to do powerslides, because they were a blast and kept me from being completely depressed about my knee. Everyone did some cool lines. Dean skated hard. He did a fakie dogpiss into the first “bank” then fakie ollie into the second. No comply 180 into the first, fakie ollie the second. Jake did kickflip then nollie front 180 and more I can’t remember right now. Oh I did a little fakie ollie into the first then a sw front 180 into the second which was probably stupid and hurt my knee more then it was worth. Fuzz did some rad fakie around the world then front 50 the ledge. Slappy noseslide, front 50, then an uphill front 5-0. On the way back to the car I fell trying to push switch. Ugh. Then we went and had a beer and ranted about how lame the skate industry is. Bitter old dudes. But seriously though, get out Nike, you don’t belong here.