skate journal: Broomfield park is the best (Oct 11, 2011)

Jake called me right after dinner and said he had his mom’s car and wanted to drive somewhere to skate. I had to take advantage of Jake driving! So he picked me up and we went to Broomfield park. We were warming up on the quartapotty when Sean showed up too. Rad. The quartapotty session was pretty sick. Jake rattled through his tricks quick. Pivot fakie first try, hurricanes both ways. Killing it. I struggled a bit to get a regular back pivot which I haven’t done in awhile then started trying more stuff. Front feebles there are my favorite trick. I got a b/s hurricane pretty quick which I’ve never done there before. Then I started trying f/s hurricanes which I have never done anywhere other then the six inch bank at Lafayette. It was way harder here, but I eventually got a couple. I was trying a line with front 5-0 on the blue ledge, front hurricane on the qp, back 5-0. Never got all of them together. There was not many people at the park. Darren was there and we had an old guy crook run. I got mine first, Darren second, Jake third. Tight. Then Sean ollied up the stepup super easy to manual without even flinching his arms. Jake had never ollied up it so we both went for it too. I was trying a run with kickflip into the bank, manual the black ledge, axle stall the brick qp then ollie up. Never got them all and the ollie up took forever for me. Ugh. There was a rainbow ledge session that went down for a bit. Sean did the smoothest back nosegrind back 180 out in history. It left Jake and I speechless. Jack was working on front lip and eventually got it. I was trying back 5-0 shove on the blue ledge which I eventually got. Rad, haven’t done that in forever. I also did a kickflip back 50 and was gonna fall, but took my front foot off and no complied out. Technically that’s a new trick for me even though I wasn’t trying it. My last tricks of the day were to front lip the blue box and nollie tre. Neither came quick, but I got them both. Really fun session.