skate journal: red curbs! but i’m not back yet (Dec 3, 2011)

I went to Red Curbs on a very cold day. I had an offer to go skate the 303 warehouse later on, but I wasn’t sure I could actually skate and I was on call for work. Turns out it was probably the right call as skating didn’t really work and I got called in for work. Skating was harder then I thought it would be. I did a boardslide on a curb quick and fell. It didn’t hurt, but it kind of set the tone. I couldn’t do much of anything. Ollieing up a curb was really, really hard. It’s a mixture of my muscles not being used and arthritis. My legs did everything slower than normal. It sucked. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel right. It’s not like a normal injury where your nursing one part of your body. Both feet, ankles and knees felt weird. Really weird. I quickly realized that flip tricks weren’t going to happen. I wanted to do a kickflip though. I tried a run one way of front 180, sw front 180, slappy tailslide the curb then a kickflip attempt. Never got it. Going the other way I tried a slappy switch front nose, halfcab, then a kickflip. Nope. I did manage a horribly mobbed kickflip, but it was on it’s own. It made me happy to land a kickflip again and get out skating, but it was kind of more just depressing and I realized I have some more waiting to do before I can skate the way I want to. I take another injection of the arthritis drug tomorrow and I hope that it does it’s job.