SKATE JOURNAL!!!! Knee braced Rampy fun (Feb 3, 2012)

I’ve been in such a horrible mood the last few days. Everything has been frustrating. I couldn’t take it anymore and decided I needed to skate to release some of that frustration. I put on an old knee brace I had from ACL surgery rehab 15 years ago, cranked up some tunes and hit Rampy for about 30 minutes. After a few kickturns to feel things out I felt like I could try some basics. I got a few more than I thought I would and the front smith was one of the funnest and last ones before I went back inside with a smile on my face that Liz said she had not seen in a long time. I don’t think I did anything to prolong the tendonitis recovery. The main thing is no jumping and I stayed away from ollies. Man it was fun. Rampy rules.