skate journal: little bank session before the rain sets in (May 6, 2012)

Carleigh and I stopped at Crisis for a minute to tell Fuzz we’d be at a nearby bank spot. Both of us thought we’d be tired and not really capable of much, but both of us seemed to skate pretty good initially. I did a bunch of different stalls on the bank to lower stair. Most of them first try even. Carleigh kickflipped the grate on the sidewalk and ollied into the bank. I dorked around for the most part (imagine that). Then it started to rain. We tried a few more things. I slammed trying to wallie up the two a bunch. I ollied my gatorade bottle a few times and manualled this weird little cement corner. Did a f/s flip on the bank with a couple tic tac’s. Then the rain really set in and Fuzz showed. Dinner time.