skate journal: Louisville Park with Ollie (Tues Aug 28, 2012)

Went to Lville park with Ollie. Hadn’t been there in a really long time. There was just a few people there. A dad wearing hiking shoes and full protective gear, his kid on a bmx bike and a couple other skaters that could do a couple tricks. I’ve waited way too long to update my journal, but basically I wasn’t that stoked, skated like crap and Ollie was kind of so so about it. I took a long time to do front smith stall on the bank to curb and kickflip to fakie on the bank. It was cool cruising around though. Ollie did an ollie to fakie on the bank, dropped in on the hubba, had a cannonball to fakie that hyped the other kids up at the park. Had to get Ollie home quick for bed.