skate journal: streets with connor, bernie, scotty, more and then broomfield park (Sept 8, 2012)

Feeling kind of sick and lazy I finally headed out as I was supposed to meet up with Bernie and bring Connor to the old Thornton park for a contest. After lots of driving we arrived and the park was a mess. We thought it was a game of SKATE done by Commission, but it was a full on city event. I dorked around a little but when that horribly popular Submlime song “Santa Ria” or whatever came on I had to get out of there. We did. We ended up at Thornton High. I messed around and did some slappys on a curb and a couple flippers. Then we went to a school nearby with a mellow bank and that was about it. We all dorked around on the bank. I was feeling a little odd on my skateboard. Tried kick front tail and didn’t get close. Also couldn’t do no comply bigspin. Next up was 18th & Welton in Denver. Connor got a line while Bernie filmed and I dorked around before Denver Shop, 98% and more crews showed up. It was rad. We went up the hill to the fun manny pad to ledge spot. I sucked. Connor and Bernie were getting close to wanting to film, but we got the boot. We then went to the US Bank brick bank spot. I continued sucking. Connor did some neat stuff and probably felt bummed he has to hang with us sometimes. Ha. Bernie was trying a trick he could do easy normally. Manaual to wallride to manual, but he couldn’t get it. He started betting Scotty who was just chilling. First it started with a beer, then two beers, 3, six pack, 12 pack, 30 pack, 30 pack a handle of tequila, 30 pack and handle and carton of cigs, etc. This escalated to the point where Bernie had to get Scotty escorts, limo rides and hire Jimmy Hendrix to play a private show. It was funny. He did eventually get it.

After dinner Connor and I met up with Fuzz and Dean at the Broomfield park. The Fort Collins dudes were there. Always so rad to see them. I was super tired/sore so kept it really mellow on just the blue ledge all night. Came close, really close to halfcab flip noseslide. That would have made my year. I guess I can say I’m happy to be on a smaller board and hucking tricks I’ll never land. Dean almost had boardslide to fakie on the brown ledge. Fuzz was skating really good again and had some good slams to go along with it. Fun night.