skate journal: Arvada park blahness (Wed Aug 29, 2012)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 3rd, 2012 by corpo

Had one of those impulse “I’m gonna go to the skatepark” moments and went to Arvada. If Boulder had a decent park lit at night I would have love to just go there, but they have neither. My friend Steve was there as well as the No Love dudes and Jeff. Rad. I started out dorking around on the little bank/blue ledge. Jeff was ripping. Went to the bowl with Steve and some older people. Had fun in there. Got front d first t. Went to the top of the park with the manny pad and really started to feel like I suck at skateboarding. Couldn’t manual the box. Couldn’t boardslide the long ledge I’ve boardslide a bunch of times, couldn’t really do anything. I was bumming on the big setup big time. We hit the miniramp for a bit. I took way too many tried for front d and was so tired it was insane. We went up to the little qp by the bowl were the No Love dudes were brewing out (broh’ing out with beers) and that was the funnest part of the night. I did a lit of tricks on the qp including front feebs, front d and hurricane (which Andrew filmed). Steve got quite a few tricks as well as a couple others. At least I skated ok the end of the session.

skate journal: Louisville Park with Ollie (Tues Aug 28, 2012)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 3rd, 2012 by corpo

Went to Lville park with Ollie. Hadn’t been there in a really long time. There was just a few people there. A dad wearing hiking shoes and full protective gear, his kid on a bmx bike and a couple other skaters that could do a couple tricks. I’ve waited way too long to update my journal, but basically I wasn’t that stoked, skated like crap and Ollie was kind of so so about it. I took a long time to do front smith stall on the bank to curb and kickflip to fakie on the bank. It was cool cruising around though. Ollie did an ollie to fakie on the bank, dropped in on the hubba, had a cannonball to fakie that hyped the other kids up at the park. Had to get Ollie home quick for bed.