skate journal: Short ballpark ledge session on the way home from work (Nov 2, 2012)

Got off work early and had about an hour before needing to be home. I didn’t know where I would go, but just kind of drove into Boulder and started thinking about all kinds of fun spots. I’ve been so into street skating lately I could pretty much skate anything at this point. I ended up at the ballpark ledges. I haven’t been there in forever. I started by rolling right past the ledges and going behind the nearby buildings to see what they offered. A few wallrides on a jersey barrier later I rolled back and starting hitting the ledges. I was really tired and just kinda skating slow. I was thinking about trying this trick out of noseslides, but never got too close. I started trying to ollie onto the ledge and started getting pissed at the Indy trucks again. Then I tried some flip tricks and got more pissed. I hate the floppiness when you take off with Indys. I kept skating. Got a front 50 barely, a front nose to fakie, not much before I had to go. Those Indys are done son. They don’t work for me.