skate journal: 4 hours at a ledge with Jack and Carleigh (Nov 4, 2012)

Feeling much better today. It was even a bit warmer out. I picked Carleigh up and randomly decided to check out a manny pad at the new CU research center by her house. It ended up being a little weirder then we thought it would be and we had to push an out house out of the landing. Turns out there was a perfect looking ledge right around the corner (above). Jason showed up with Lindy. Carleigh had a little wax and we started making the ledge a little slicker. We got a few basics on it. Carleigh did some noseslides and maybe even a noseslide shove. I tried to line things out. Got kickflip up the curb, crooks the ledge, but not the manual after. Coming the other way got ollie over a manhole, front 50 the ledge, kickflip off a curb. Any spot that has a manhole to do tricks over and curbs to go up/down rules. Jack showed up and had more wax so we waxed it enough to make PRod proud. Mad shit started going down. Mostly by Jack, but it ended up being one of those sessions were everyone was stoked and pushing themselves. Jason and Lindy didn’t stay too long, but they got to see Jack do a lot of tricks like back tail, back tail shove, crooks, ollie onto the bench and wallride so crazy. When Jack was doing that I was working on kickflip back noseslides. I was going hella slow, but did get his back with what technically was a make. I need to keep trying it though because I think it could work. It’s remotely possible I’ve done this trick about as poorly before, but it was years ago and probably worse actually. We kept skating. Jason probably left around now. Carleigh was lining things out with back 180s and frontside halfcabs and trying some of the first front noses I’ve seen her try. Going the other way she was doing front 180 nosegrinds to forward and we have document proof of the make. So sick. I have no idea how many more tricks Jack did. He learned back tail front 270 out, did front tail back 270 out, learned kickflip noseslides and accidently did kickflip front crooks so went ahead and just learned that one too. I haven’t seen Jack smile like that skating in awhile. So good to see. He killed it all day. I had a blast myself. Did front 50 shove, some of the better crooks I’ve done, back 50s, back 50 shove!, crooks to fakie, front nose to bad landing. Tried a bunch of noseslide 270 shoves, but never got very close. Kickflipped a manhole a few times. Pushed switch mongo. Ha, this session was seriously awesome. Carleigh didn’t quite get a front 50 which would have made it a little better though. We ended it on the long manny pad where I got a manny quick and couldn’t quite get a nose manual. Jack almost did kickflip manny up to manny. We basically skated the same spot for four hours and it ruled. Jack and Carleigh you rule. And thanks for hanging out and smiling with us Jason! This session was everything I love about skateboarding. Look for a few photos and Jack and Carleigh’s blog in the distant future.