skate journal: Short exhausted/stupid solo campus session (Nov 21, 2012)

This is the dumb part of me. It was 70 degrees out and I got out of work early so I felt obligated to go skating. I chose a session on campus. Oh yeah, I had worn a hole through the ollie area and the sole on my Lakai’s the night before so I had new shoes.

Fallen Slashs. These shoes felt ok in the shop and I had a pair in the past I was happy with, but I’ve been wearing them for about a month and they are super uncomfortable. I was hoping breaking them in skating would help, but they didn’t seem to. I felt like I was wearing moon boots. I fell a lot, didn’t have any motivation, etc. I went to the flatground area and things changed for a bit as I got 6 flippers in a row. Kickflip, heelflip, fakie flip, halfcab flip, varial flip, fakie bigflip. Whoa! I went to try and get 10 flip tricks and added a couple more before getting stuck on treflip or f/s halfcab flip and I could not land anything. The sole on these sucks so bad, I would just slide right off the board. If I could have focused the shoes I would have. I tried several halfcab double flips and got pretty close, just couldn’t get the flick. I looked at some other new spots, but ended up just walking back to the car and then hitting Meta where Sam stoked me out so much by being such a nice guy.