skate journal: Short ballpark ledge session on the way home from work (Nov 2, 2012)

Posted in Skate Journal on November 3rd, 2012 by corpo

Got off work early and had about an hour before needing to be home. I didn’t know where I would go, but just kind of drove into Boulder and started thinking about all kinds of fun spots. I’ve been so into street skating lately I could pretty much skate anything at this point. I ended up at the ballpark ledges. I haven’t been there in forever. I started by rolling right past the ledges and going behind the nearby buildings to see what they offered. A few wallrides on a jersey barrier later I rolled back and starting hitting the ledges. I was really tired and just kinda skating slow. I was thinking about trying this trick out of noseslides, but never got too close. I started trying to ollie onto the ledge and started getting pissed at the Indy trucks again. Then I tried some flip tricks and got more pissed. I hate the floppiness when you take off with Indys. I kept skating. Got a front 50 barely, a front nose to fakie, not much before I had to go. Those Indys are done son. They don’t work for me.

skate journal: Tired Downtown Boulder (Nov 1, 2012)

Posted in Skate Journal on November 2nd, 2012 by corpo

Still feeling pretty sick, but had to get out. Was in charge of cleaning bathrooms and other fun chores first though. Finally got out of the house around 8. All day I had been thinking about the little granite ledge in the brick alley. I was more tired then I thought I would be and I skated / walked pretty mellow til I got there and was super bummed to see a car parked in front of it with it’s hazards on. Ugh. I cruised around still without energy. Hit the alley bump for a bit, did some 180s, had some fun then noticed the car had left by the granite curb. Rad. Did a couple slappy noseslide variations when another car pulled up and parked there. Seriously? Ugh. I let the lady know I was bummed and she was cool, but didn’t care. So I moved on still a bit uninspired. The new trucks were driving me nuts. They feel so clumsy and dumb compared to Thunders. I would miss my tail ollieing up curbs and stuff. Ugh. I ended up near the yellow curb parking garage. I dorked around for a bit then went into the garage and had some fun. Did a line of ollie up curb, kickflip off, manual a median, back 50 curb, front 50 the corner curb. Coming the other way I tried front 5-0 then b/s flip up the curb. I tried doing the front 5-0s a few pushes deep which was scary for me, but I did quite a few. I never really got the b/s flip. I landed one technically, but I had come to a complete stop. I tried a few kick back tails. Got into a few, but only landed one sorry excuse where the tail jibbed the curb for a brief second.

Next I went over to this bench. Back on my 300th day of skating in 2010 Neil ollied onto it super easy and I’ve been jealous of that ever since. As tired as I was I decided I had to ollie onto it. It took me a long time. Traffic would weird me out on top of it. Half the time I would go to ollie I would miss the tail. Man I hate these Indys. I got on it a few times and slid out before finally ollieing up and riding across it. It’s taller then it looks. I’ve always been scared of ollieing onto narrow things and this one is tall and hollow underneath making it even scarier. I was happy to get it though. Hopefully I keep giving these trucks a try, but it’s not looking good.

skate journal: a few kickflips in some new shoes (Oct 31, 2012)

Posted in Skate Journal on November 1st, 2012 by corpo

Been fighting a cold all week. Mainly due to having to get up earlier than normal for work and having lots of late night stuff going on (Bones Brigade premiere, Afghan Whigs, Halloween, etc). After a nap I decided I should go out and do a few kickflips. I forgot to put my old shoes on (that now have a hole in the bottom) so I guess I’ve moved on to some Mariano’s now. I did the first 5 kickflips, bailed one, then did another few and went inside. Not sure this even really counts as a day of skating, but it felt good to skate a little.

Real life day dreaming

Posted in Amazing skate clips on November 1st, 2012 by corpo

This clip rules.