skate journal: Broomfield park with an awesome crew (Nov 29, 2012)

Got to Broomfield park a little after 7pm. Bernie and John were there, but John had just broken his board (that’s what happens when you don’t skate Nulls (ha)) so John left to get a new board quick at Crisis. He came back with a Null and therefore had super powers. Carleigh, Connor, Dave, Fuzz joined shortly. I felt decent initially and was kind of just cruising around. Got a front 50 back 180 out pretty quick and a manual on the blue box right away which surprised me. I attributed it to having better board feel without my stiff orthodic insoles and was kinda stoked. John and I did lines of back 50 the black box then boardslide the flatbar. John can do bigspin front noses, but somehow has never had boardslides? So funny. Fuzz was skating the ledge pretty good. Back 5-0 followed by blunt to fakie on the brick quarter pipe. Bernie did a run with front tail front 270 out followed by kick back tail to fakie. So good. Connor was doing all kinds of crap first try all easy looking that was amazing. He got a halfcab back 50 front 180 out that took at least 3 tries though. Dave was skating the steep bank a lot and almost got tailslides both ways and doing boardslides to fakie on the black bench. Carleigh didn’t stay too long, but tried a few noseslides with her patented 270 shove out the other way. Fuzz, John and I tried front nosegrinds for awhile. John having claimed he hasn’t tried that trick in years, but came the closest of us. I kept bonking on the way out. I tried a few more halfcab flip noseslides and got kind of close. Fuzz and I tried back 50 back 180 out the black box. He got it, but wasn’t happy with how he did it. Darn perfectionists. It took me awhile to commit to a simple boardslide down the tiny rail. Unfortunately my feet/knees starting hurting and I wish I would have brought my orthodics to switch back to. Bernie almost did bs flip to fakie manual. Crazy crazy. The lights shut off. Fuzz was trying switch blunt though and was angry and wanting to get it which he did. In the dark. Crazy. Dave was still skating too and did a bunch of tricks on the dark. After this we went over to Safeway for a few slappys. My feet/legs were killing me. Bernie did a bunch of long manuals too. It got really cold and we called it a night.