skate journal: sol ramp with fullertron (Jan 10, 2013)

fullertron sweeper

After a busy day at work then some foosball with Allan I skated the Sol ramp with Dave. I got in a few runs before he showed which is good because when I first started I almost slammed dropping in then slammed a rock to fakie. I blame this on how much Rampy messes with me. I’m used to having to land a trick so quick and then you get on a big tranny and everything changes. Dave showed up and quickly killed it. Big fakie ollies on the vert wall and pretty much everything he wants to do. Another dude joined us for a bit, slammed really hard, got up and landed some tricks. I’m sure his brand new Null board helped out. Ha. Dave had a nice sweeper, front smith and several other tricks first try. I sucked. I had fun though and I feel like near the end I was almost getting the feel for it. The one new trick I did there I haven’t yet this year was front rock. Yippee. Gonna try and skate there once a week this winter. Oh yeah, I was 1-0 on 3 flips on flat which surprised me considering how sore my legs were from the night before.