skate journal: downtown boulder small spots with carleigh and jack (Feb 4, 2013)

Posted in New Deck, Skate Journal on February 5th, 2013 by corpo

null future

Had a new board since I cracked mine really bad the day before. My first Null Future! I was hyped. I met Jack and Carleigh at one of my favorite spots in Boulder. We ended up skating there for a long time. Carleigh posted up some front tails and hucked some kickflip noseslides coming kinda close sometimes. I got a handful of tricks. Front 5-0 back 180 (90) out, weird kick back tail, kick back 50 almost front tail shove. Jack did a new trick, back 270 front tail to b/s flip out. Whoa! He also did a bunch of crazy stuff like nollie heel front noseslides. He also ollied above the ledge into wallride then four wheel drived out through the ledge as we were getting kicked out. So sick!

Then we ate, saw the new Meta and rolled over to the Wells Fargo mini qp where we would once again stay for a long time. My arthritis was pretty bad again and kickflips up the curb there were hard. Carleigh did a back tail and learned backside blunts. Sick! Jack did back noseblunt to fakie, a bunch of old guy tricks, pivot fakie, bigspin pivot, wallie 50, wallie crooks, whatever he wanted to do on his board. I had a line of slappy crooks, back blunt, slappy front tail. Tried a couple lines starting with kickflips up the curb, but never got front blunt or front tail shove out. I blame the big metal thing sticking up. Gonna go gluten free for awhile and see if it helps my arthritis.

skate journal: More Front Rock fun at Lafayette (Feb 3, 2013)

Posted in New Shoes, Skate Journal on February 5th, 2013 by corpo

On another nice February day in the 50s Ollie and I picked up Jason then headed out to Lafayette to meet Brian, Jake, Neil, SSK (Square State Kids), Fullertron and probably some more I’m forgetting. I didn’t feel like filming anymore and Brian totally understood. Ollie was in his typical shy stay in a corner mode or would just follow me around. We kind of messed around for awhile. Jake, Brian, Blake, Brandon, Alec and I did a six man front rock on the mini bank to curb. I punched Brian in the stomach on accident in the process. Ha. Blake was a good sport and filmed Brian for the most part rattle off another 10 or so front rocks. He was killing it again and took some super hard slams at the end trying to do a double front rock with Jake. Kudos Brian. Looks for the birthday montage soon. As far as skating goes I skated kind of ok, but was feeling very clumsy and arthritic. I dropped into the shallow end of the vert bowl a couple times. If only it wasn’t so slippery I would try to get tile on the vert. As it is though I just suck up all my speed and barely make it out of the waterfall. We sessioned the manny pad thing up top for awhile. Neil killed some front lips and front lips to fakie. I got a few tricks. Front 50 back 180, front 5-0 shove, manual. It sucks you can only skate it frontside. Grinding granite is really fun though. On the way back I got a couple treflps. Then I skated the double down section in the street course. Ollied the 3 then noseslide the hubba. Also got halfcab flip into the first bank, then noseslide the hubba. There was ice in the path of the frontside way so I couldn’t really hit that. I tried to get on in the flat, but didn’t have the pop to do it. Argh. It kind of bummed me out. At one point I tried to do a manual out of the little qp then boardslide the granite ledge, but I basically just ran into it and cracked my board really bad. Had to leave. Pretty fun session. Jason seemed to have fun watching. Trick Factory in effect. Oh yeah, I had new shoes. Lakai Brae. Neat. The Supras were some of the best shoes I’ve ever had, but had finally worn flat on the sole.