skate journal: arthritis sucking at lafayette park (March 6, 2013)

It was supposed to be a warm day in the upper 50s/lower 60s. Apparently it made it that warm, but it sure didn’t feel like it to me or Carleigh. I went to the Lafayette park right after work and my first ollie felt so bad I almost left. My arthritis is the worst it’s been in awhile. It’s hard to describe what it feels like, but basically it takes away balance, makes my movements slower then normal and my knees feel numb. Perfect for skating right? Ugh. Dave met up shortly after I got there and we warmed up in the little kid section in the middle of the park. Dave killed it. Feeble to rock fakie on the little/weird black rock qp. Lots more. I was struggling big time. Carleigh showed up. I had a decent line of wallie the corner of the rock, axle stall the bank to circle thing then come around and front 50 the tight qp at the park entrance. Dave did some more crazy stuff like front board transfer the rock qp. Carleigh and I skated the flow bowl for a grind or two then we all went up to the manny pad. Carleigh got a clean manny in less then 5 tries and was hyped (as she should be). She tried a bunch more and failed, but some were really close. Dave got nose manny and back 50. I slammed hard on a bunch of front 50 to back 180 out attempts. The only thing I did I liked was a manny drop down to manny to the bank. We were kind of all in different spots for awhile. Carleigh left. I slammed a bunch over the little spine thing. Dave killed it. I hate arthritis.