skate journal: filmer glen again (march 16, 2013)

Went to Denver with Bernie and Scotty for a Bernie day. We went to the new spot which is all the rage. It’s so fun. I tried to skate while Bernie warmed up, but I was so sore/stiff/exhausted from the day before that it was tough. I slammed ollieing down the 3 stair right as Daryl drove by and yelled “Glennnnnn!”. Ha. I responded with “I’m old!” Things didn’t get much better for me and Bernie started trying a long switch nose manual. He came close. The majority of the time I was filming that I pushed switch. So for about an hour and a half I pushed switch and it felt kinda cool. He never got it, but we went to the ledge in the back area where Bernie easily took out my soreness in a game of SKATE. Then we both skated the ledge for a bit. I got a few basics (noseslide, boardslide, crooks) when Bernie did the trick he wanted to do perfect. Front tail 270 out to super quick feet front 180 down the 3. Doh, I should have been filming. He did it again before I got the camera out. He did it a few more times on film, but probably not as good as the first couple. Oh well, he added a couple more tricks on to his bag for the day and we called it a success. Then we went to Crisis and hung out for a bit. Good times.